As you could see, the iPad has definately improved from 2010.
Here are some of the new things the iPad 2 has which the iPad 1 doesn't have:
HD Video Recording
8.8mm thinness (The iPad 1=13.4mm thickness. The iPad 1 is 4.6 mm thicker that iPad 2.)
Dual Core A5 Chip
Smart Covers
Built in Voice-Over Screen
Sleep Mode
Silent/Screen Rotation Lock
Three-Axis Gyroscope
The iPad 2 also has really good graphics and a retina display. Here are sone cool screenshots:
Here are some of the games for iPad:
1. Plants vs. Zombies HD $6.99

You would be forgiven for saying you've had your fill of tower defense games. The past couple years has seen a flood of these strategy clones filling casual portals like the iPhone and PC. But you know who might be able to bring you back: the people that brought you Peggle. PopCap, one of the best casual developers and publishers around, presents Plants vs. Zombies, its first tower defense game. While it uses the basic mechanics of all efforts in this genre, it's got charm and personality to spare. The result is another addictive experience that will appeal to all walks of gamers.
Zombies are creeping on your lawn, and your garden is your last line of defense against these brain-crazy cannibals. You have some pretty peculiar (but useful) plants at your disposal, including pea shooters that spit green balls at the undead, hot tamales that burn everything in their path, and Venus zombie traps. By planting various seeds in strategic locations around your lawn you may be able to hold off the onslaught and keep them from entering your house and eating your brain.
Unlike many tower defense games there isn't a winding path the zombies follow towards your home. The yard is divided into six rows and zombies shuffle towards you in a fairly orderly fashion. They won't cross over into other lanes but you will find multiple bodies coming in on one row. It's a very simple concept and, in fact, when you first play Plants vs. Zombies you may find it to be too laid back; too easy. But the real draw here is the incredible variety of plants (towers) and zombies. There are 48 kinds of plants with numerous offensive, defensive, and production capabilities, and 26 different zombies. Completing each level in the game will unlock a new plant or item to add to your arsenal. These constant rewards really keep you involved and will have you saying "just one more level" long after you initially thought there wasn't much to the game.
Zombies are creeping on your lawn, and your garden is your last line of defense against these brain-crazy cannibals. You have some pretty peculiar (but useful) plants at your disposal, including pea shooters that spit green balls at the undead, hot tamales that burn everything in their path, and Venus zombie traps. By planting various seeds in strategic locations around your lawn you may be able to hold off the onslaught and keep them from entering your house and eating your brain.
Unlike many tower defense games there isn't a winding path the zombies follow towards your home. The yard is divided into six rows and zombies shuffle towards you in a fairly orderly fashion. They won't cross over into other lanes but you will find multiple bodies coming in on one row. It's a very simple concept and, in fact, when you first play Plants vs. Zombies you may find it to be too laid back; too easy. But the real draw here is the incredible variety of plants (towers) and zombies. There are 48 kinds of plants with numerous offensive, defensive, and production capabilities, and 26 different zombies. Completing each level in the game will unlock a new plant or item to add to your arsenal. These constant rewards really keep you involved and will have you saying "just one more level" long after you initially thought there wasn't much to the game.
At the start of each round you can pick which seeds to take into battle. You only have a limited amount of slots in your inventory, although you can increase your stash over time. With such an assortment of abilities and resource demands, half the battle is in picking effective weapons. The array of choices means you can customize your strategy and confront the undead on your own terms.
-Game Review from IGN
2. Asphalt 6: Adrenalin HD $6.99

In case if you don’t know, Asphalt 6: Adrenaline is an old school arcade racer which focuses on finding the shortcuts and shoving rivals off of the road rather than driving finesse. Boost and brake are mapped to each side of the screen, letting you to treat your tablet like a steering wheel and get an immersive kick out of smacking your challengers silly. Burnout style slow motion cinematic makes doing so unbelievably pleasing.
A huge array of events is on offer, together with straight races, evil knock’em down brawls and elimination trials. Placing first and fulfilling side objectives (such as achieving a certain total of drift) grants you cash and stars to unlock and customize extra cars, which can be inspected through a walk around garage.
So, what’s new regarding it? Well… the visuals, fundamentally. Asphalt 6: Adrenaline HD is optimized for the iPad, and as such, looks crisp and clean contrasted to the unhappily pixilated universal app. It requires the punch of the iPhone 4′s retina display, however, with some washed-out colours and jaggy lines occasionally coming to the forefront. However, the draw distance and feature is greatly enhanced.
Oh, and if you’ve got an iPad 2, a latest patch has made it look completely surprising. We’re not sold on the new boost effect, but still. Wow. My only authentic trivial objection is organize interface itself, which is tough to get used to. The understanding needs to be set to taste, but the iPad soon becomes serious and awkward after a few minutes. The lighter iPad 2 will be a special scheme, although if you’ve got an iPhone 4, you might be improved sticking to the cheaper version.
The iPad 2 has had many new improvements since the iPad 1. The iPad 1 went down to $399 while the iPad 2 is at $499. Here is a video about the iPad 2:
This video is RRREEEAAALLLYYY LLLOOONNNGGG so you should watch just like 10 minutes of it.
It is when Steve Jobs presents the new iPad 2:
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